The Backpressure Smackdown in review
14 October 2019 Performance Flink Spark Storm Smackdown Big-data Data-Engineering
So our three contenders have run the backpressure assault course. It’s been brutal. There were winners and there was definitely a loser. Let’s review how Storm, Spark and Flink got on and what this does and doesn’t mean.
READ MOREApache Flink and the Backpressure Smackdown
03 October 2019 Performance Flink Smackdown Big-data Data-Engineering
Finally, Apache Flink 1.8.1 enters the cage in the Streaming Backpressure Smackdown. The second of our next-generation stream processing engines, can it get one over on Storm and Spark? Let’s see …
READ MOREApache Spark and the Backpressure Smackdown
02 October 2019 Performance Spark Smackdown Big-data Data-Engineering
The next contender into the cage for the Streaming Backpressure Smackdown is Apache Spark 2.4.3. The first of our second-generation stream processing engines, can it crush our backpressure assault course as easily as Storm?
READ MOREApache Storm and the Backpressure Smackdown
01 October 2019 Performance Storm Smackdown Big-data Data-Engineering
Apache Storm 2.0 is the first contender into the cage in the Streaming Backpressure Smackdown. Will this first-generation stream processing engine go down in flames, or will it stand up tall? Let’s find out …